The Diary of Ma-chan is the first manga created by Osamu Tezuka, who wrote and illustrated it in 1946. Running in the Shokokumin Shinbun (Mainichi Elementary Schoolchildren\s Newspaper).
It follows the life of a little preschooler named Ma-chan, and all of the shenanigans he gets wrapped up in.
(from ebookjapan):
See what a mischievous boy Ma-chan is! Here comes his memorable debut work, The Diary of Ma-chan! Other works from his debut are also included, such as \A-Chan and B-Chan\s Adventure\ and \Chinnen and Kyo-chan\. We present you works sure to give you a homely laugh!
Also includes chapters from Chief Detective Kenichi.
**Volume 129 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
More details