\The extreme heat, and the stench of the factory, mixed with the unique smell of a fishing port, this town feels like hell on earth...\
A collection of tragic horror stories by horror manga master, Hino Hideshi, originally published by Hibari hit comics, and listed as number 1 in its \black frame\ horror manga series
1 • Uroko no Nai Sakana: A boy keeps having terrible nightmares every night, but he can\t remember a single thing from these nightmares, at the same time, he is getting tormented by hallucinations of a fish he caught.
2 • Semi no Mori: A boy and his beautiful sister\s summer vacation are ruined by a swarm of cicadas...
3 • Mannequin no Heya: A boy believes the mannequins from \the mannequin room\ are haunted.
4 • Jigoku e no Elevator: What will happen when this boy takes a strange elevator?
5 • Gama: A boy that kills toads for fun suffers a terrible fate.
6 • Tomodachi: The tragic tale of 2 childhood best friends...
7 • Okashina Yado: A family stays in a bizarre inn.
8 • Madara no Tamago: One day, a boy living in a factory filled area finds a strange spotted egg in a plot of land and brings it home, the boy goes to school and when he comes back, he sees a creature hatching from the egg, but his beloved pets...
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